We probably all understand that we should have a Will but the reality is that most of us don’t have one. To help you understand the importance of having a Will in place Kennedy Burchill have put together an information leaflet (see below) and a short recorded presentation specifically for EA staff explaining why having a will matters
To view the presentation ‘Why Having a Will Matters’ Please click here - Kennedy Burchill - Free Will Writing Service
Throughout last year the EA Health & Wellbeing Team in partnership with Kennedy Burchill ran a number of virtual webinars during which staff were briefed on the importance of having a will in place and then offered the opportunity to avail of a complementary Will writing service.
To date over a 100 EA staff members have registered to avail of the Free Will Writing Service through Kennedy Burchill with 85 staff members having now secured a Free Will.
To arrange a consultation to discuss or avail of the service please click here and provide the required information to arrange a call back from Kennedy Burchill.
This is a valuable service which applies to all Education Authority staff and extends to family members also.
The process is currently managed remotely taking into account the current covid-19 restrictions.