MindWise - Mums Wellness Project
The Mums Wellness Project is an early-stage intervention project for expectant mums aged 18+ and/or mums with a baby up to three years who are experiencing emotional health & wellbeing difficulties. Partners welcome too.
The project aims to meet the maternal mental health needs at this perinatal stage and reduce need for referral to statutory adult community mental health services. The project works in partnership with the local Family Support Hub, healthcare professionals including GPs, Health Visitors, Midwives and other community/voluntary groups.
What we do
We recognise both the joys and challenges that becoming a parent brings. MindWise offers support for emotional health and well-being on a 1:1 basis through the Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) programme. The aim is to help expectant/new mums and/or their partners to manage difficult feelings and develop action plans to help them feel better on their road to recovery.
The programme is delivered in a community centre local to your home and public health guidelines will be followed regarding the risk of Covid-19 transmission. Alternatively, if it suits you better, the programme can be provided online.
Mums Wellness Weekly Drop In
Mums Wellness Project offers a weekly Drop In for mothers and expectant mums availing of our service. Unfortunately, this is postponed due to Covid-19 until further notice.
To register an interest in our Online Mums Wellness Drop In service, please contact Service Coordinator Carmel Rooney or Support Worker Karren Miller-Carson (contact details below).
Mums Wellness Support Group
After completion of the 1-1 WRAP Programme, mums can avail of the Mums Wellness Support Group. It's an opportunity for women to come together in a safe and supportive environment for mutual support and to strengthen social well-being.
Unfortunately, this is postponed due to Covid-19 until further notice. MindWise looks forward to re-starting these services when it is safe to do so following public health guidelines.
Areas we cover
Western Health and Social Care Trust (Fermanagh and Omagh postcode areas).
How to access our service
Self-referrals are welcome by contacting Fermanagh Family Support Hub on 02882 324 181 or Omagh Family Support Hub on 02882 259 495. Alternatively, your midwife or health visitor may refer you. For more info on Family Support Hubs, visit: http://www.familysupportni.org.uk/ or http://www.cypsp.org/family-support-hubs/
How we are funded
A combination of funds support the service including those from Mental Health UK, Comic Relief, the CAWT (Cooperation And Working Together) and MACE (Multiple Adverse Childhood Experiences) Projects, with the National Lottery also providing funds to tackle specific challenges during the Covid-19 crisis.
Contact us
Contact Service Coordinator Carmel Rooney on 07773 221967 or carmel.rooney@mindwisenv.org or Support Worker Karren Miller-Carson on 07720 594983 or karren.miller-carson@mindwisenv.org.
For more information:
- Online resources to support families are available on the Parenting NI website.
- Or you may like to read this independent Evaluation of the Mums Wellness Project.